About Us
"We're a church in downtown
Lafayette that encourages everyone
to seek salvation."

Striving to be faithful servants of
the Triune God we;
Striving to be faithful servants of the Triune God we;
Worship and
proclaim the truth of
Jesus Christ alone -
Make room for anyone to
be transformed by
the Holy Spirit -
Show compassion to
all by reflecting Godâs
Learn more:
We are a member of the Christian Reformed Church. To learn more about our doctrine and beliefs visit the CRC online.

A Minute with God
Our series of daily two-minute video meditations that invite us to hear from God every day. Right now they give a taste of what's to come in Sunday's service!
More questions about what we believe, how we worship, or what the Christian life looks like? Looking for additional resources or connection points? Let us know!
Stay in the Know
Join our email list to stay up to date on
ministries events and more at Lafayette Chri-
stian Reformed Church.
Join our email list to stay up to date on ministries events and more at Lafayette Christian Reformed Church.